Black Presence in the Bible – Theron Williams


In his groundbreaking book, Troubling Biblical Waters, the late scholar and biblicist Cain Hope Felder refutes the commonly held notion that white Jews comprised the biblical Israelite community. Instead, he proves through archeological findings, art production of biblical times, ancient writings, and science that some biblical Hebrews were of mixed ancestry while others were Nubian blacks. This course will explore and build upon Felder’s later contentions that all biblical Hebrews were Nubian blacks, as exposited in his subsequent work, The African Heritage Bible. Since Felder’s contribution to this field, new scientific evidence, archeological discoveries, and historical documents have emerged to confirm Felder’s refutation further. This course relies heavily upon Felder’s work, and the latest data compiled by Theron D. Williams in his bestselling book, The Bible is Black History. The course aims to expose the attendees to the empowering reality that mostly Black people were the mothers and fathers of Salvation history.

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