Updated: Thursday, March 19, 2020 

Greetings IC3 Conference Family,

Coronavirus COVID-19 is impacting our global community in unprecedented ways and our churches and communities are having to lead in uncharted territory while making extremely difficult decisions.

 In the interest of your health, welfare and safety, the IC3 Board Members have decided to postpone this year’s U.S. and Africa conferences until 2021.  It is our prayer that this will give everyone an opportunity to move towards recovery.

 Please know we’re praying for you and ask that you do the same for us.

Remain safe and healthy,

IC3 Conference Team

Updated: Thursday, March 12, 2020 

With growing concerns and major events canceling throughout our country, we know many of you are desiring answers regarding the 2020 IC3 Church Growth & Development Conference.

At this time, IC3 2020 will take place as scheduled April 28-30 in Houston, TX. However, we’re monitoring updates from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and should conditions require a change in plans, we will communicate with you immediately.

Your health, welfare and safety are paramount to us. We remain watchful and prayerful in the midst of this evolving situation and we’re actively working with local authorities and medical professionals to consider appropriate sanitary protocols to prepare for your arrival. We will continue to monitor updates and will communicate any necessary changes.

Please join us in praying for all who have been impacted by this pandemic and those who are most vulnerable. Lord willing, we look forward to welcoming you to IC3 2020.

Remain safe and healthy. 

The IC3 Team

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