“Hate what is evil, hold on to what is good” (Romans, 12:9 NRSV)
This week we were reminded of the depths of the depravity of the evil in our world in ways that have become entirely too familiar to us. Another school shooting, the taking of innocent lives occurred in Uvalde, Texas where 21 people, 19 children and two adults, were tragically and viciously taken from us and the continuous residual loss of life because of this evil act. This event is the gruesome follow-up to the racially motivated killing of 10 innocent lives in a grocery store in Buffalo, NY.
Among the many similarities between these events, both committed by males 18 years of age, is the kind of weapon used to commit mass murder. The question that should be asked for all lovers of good is, how in the world could an 18-year-old young men legally purchase such deadly weapons? The federal minimal age for drinking is 21. Yet, we entrust instruments of death to people this age with no oversight? It is time for the people of this country to wake up to the ways of God. God values life. He sent his Son, Jesus, to give the world eternal life. It is now time that we honor God’s values and do whatever is necessary to preserve the lives of all people who are made in the image and likeness of God Almighty.
Paul spoke to the church in Rome and told them something we would all, seemingly, agree to hate evil. This simple charge is obviously what we should all be doing. But we are not. If God calls us to preserve and care for human life, then we must do something to regulate access to instruments of death. Whether violence emerges from racial hatred, common criminality, or mental illness, that violence would be a lot more manageable if access to guns was more tightly controlled. We are called to hate the evil so we must do whatever is necessary to prevent the spread of evil in this world and preserve human life. The blood of the lives of those who were lost is crying to us as Abel’s blood did from the ground. God is looking at us and saying, are we not our brother and sister’s keepers? Are we not bound to protect others who are made in God’s image?
Therefore, the IC3 Family is calling upon the United States House of Representatives and the Senate to hate evil today. Pass sensible gun reforms! It does not matter which party gets the credit or from which one it emerges. Do something now! Reject evil, stay away from it, despise it, deny it, denigrate evil! Do whatever it takes to remove it from our midst! And hold on to the good in the world. Preserve life.
We must recognize that the lives that will be saved outweigh the petty quibbling we are currently doing. Our issue is beyond “politics.” This is about evil and good. As such, we as the IC3 Association of Churches of the Lord Jesus Christ call for change. We call for change now! And we are committed to the cause of continuing to lift our voices until we see it happen.
The IC3 Senior Board and Advisory Team