Our team of tenured church leaders, instructors and administrators look forward to spending dedicated time with conference participants in various workshops and interactive instruction. The overall commitment of IC3 is to provide focused study in areas most essential to remarkable church growth, sustenance and individual leadership development. Below you will find a list of breakout sessions led by those with exceptional backgrounds in each area of focus.
All sessions are now available under Pastors and Leaders Track
Worship & Arts
Staffing Church Musicians [Keith Eason]
When seeking musicians, what’s required and what’s expected with the renewed perspective of what the Holy Spirit can accomplish.
Hymn Singing 2020 [Phillip Hall]
How to introduce and enjoy hymns in a contemporary/millennial environment
Versus-Verses: One Stanza in the Same Song [Rylan Harris]
Moving from competition to collaboration
Succession Planning [Michael McFrazier]
The development of cross-ministry teams that engage every aspect of worship ministry.
The Minister, The Minstrel, The Marriage [Shawn McLemore]
Walking closely with your Pastor, learning and understanding their Vision for the Ministry
Building Relationships with Volunteers and Staff [Kathy Taylor]
Healthy ministries are established when strong relationships are built between music ministry volunteers and staff
Membership & Church Advancement
T.C.B.Y.V. – Taking Care of Business with Your Volunteers [Rosalind Burroughs]
How to Disciple Ministry Volunteers and Leaders – This session will focus on recruiting and retaining volunteers. Participants will leave with a 12- month game plan filled with ideas to engage, motivate and DISCIPLE the leaders and volunteers of their ministry. Using the KWOW- Children’s Ministry as an example, we’ll explore 4 ways ministries can thrive by taking C.A.R.E. (Culture, Accountability, Relationships, Management) of its leaders and volunteers. .
Seven Trends for Church Growth [Bryan Carter]
National trends suggest church membership and church attendance are in decline, participants will learn key trends that are impacting growth in today’s church and how they can apply those principles in their life of their church.
Church Growth: Attracting Newer Members Without Neglecting Older Members [Steven E. Carter]
This session is geared towards implementing proven principles on how to attract, involve and empower newer members to your ministry without making older members feel neglected, unwanted, and forgotten.
I Joined, Now What? [Felicia Hedgepeth]
This session is designed to assist participants with developing effective methods to foster relational connections with new members in the first 90 days. The workshop will focus on strategies to encourage engagement and sustain active membership. Participants will hear about existing programs and have an opportunity to share best practices.
Re-View; Re-Connect; Re-Start [Paul D. Landrew]
This session discusses strategies for making needed adjustments in ministry. Time has a way of causing drifts that left unchecked will lead you to an unintended place. Learn how to get back on track while continuing to move forward.
Every Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday: Intentional Worship in 90 Minutes or Less [Jewel M. London]
Imaging planning and designing over 900 worship services per year. Come and learn how to do worship effectively, efficiently, and with a spirit of excellence. Learn how to keep worship intentional and impactful without holding the congregation hostage all day. Identify critical elements of the worship experience – what should we keep and what should we table? Discuss resources to help build engaging worship services in 90 minutes (or less) – especially for churches with multiple services and/or campuses.
From Fantasy 2 Reality: Building the Church in Uncommitted Times [Romell Williams, Jr.]
The Church is a family, not a fantasy. People come looking for ecstatic moments. We must demonstrate the love of Christ in such a way that they want to be members. Let’s consider our responsibility in convincing visitors to stay and make memories, not just have a moment.
Succession Planning That Works: Planning For Your Next Leader [T.R. Williams]
Retirement, emergency, unplanned departures happen every day in the life of the church and unfortunately many are not prepared and do not know what to do. This session is designed to help pastor, church leaders, trustees, and board members understand the importance of being proactive and preparing themselves and the church for the day when they will need a new pastor.
First Ladies
First Ladies Only: Your Power… His Pleasure [Sheretta M. West]
Your assessment of your husband/pastor is probably more dead-on than anyone else’s… including his own. With that arsenal you can add value to his ministry or make his work laborious. After a blanketed survey from various pastors…the conclusion is unanimous. Wives have a unique power and when it is used positively it can bring their husband/pastor much pleasure.
The Conversation [Sheretta M. West]
This is an intimate setting where Pastor’s Wives will gain wisdom, insight and applicable tools through a rich discussion of various topics, concerns and ministry life challenges.
Generational Ministries
T.C.B.Y.V. – Taking Care of Business With Your Volunteers [Rosalind Burroughs]
How to Disciple Ministry Volunteers and Leaders – This session will focus on recruiting and retaining volunteers. Participants will leave with a 12- month game plan filled with ideas to engage, motivate and DISCIPLE the leaders and volunteers of their ministry. Using the KWOW- Children’s Ministry as an example, we’ll explore 4 ways ministries can thrive by taking C.A.R.E. (Culture, Accountability, Relationships, Management) of its leaders and volunteers.
Men: Warrior- Building Effective Men’s Ministry [Denny D. Davis]
The Surrendered priority of defining authentic biblical manhood in a culture that aggressively seeks to establish blurred lines of sexuality; as we will explore the wide-open opportunity to passionately reach our communities with the transforming power of the gospel; and as we will emphasize the importance of the role of men as servant leaders in our congregations.
Transforming Your Faith-Based Youth Ministry [Hakemia Jackson]
This session will focus on growing in depth and effectiveness through productive leadership teams and youth engagement, with the use of relevant transformative messaging and other outreach programs.
Adam, Where Are You? [Keith W. Reed]
Addressing the whole man: mind, body, and soul. How are we? Where are we?
3 Key Ingredients to Build a Healthy Youth Ministry [Tyrone Smith]
You may have a dream for a thriving youth ministry, but do you know what ingredients you need to make the dream youth ministry a reality.
Vision – A vision for youth ministry is more than just stating that you want more youth in the church. What is the big picture idea to reach a generation of young people for Christ?
Strategy – How will you get to where we want to be? Developing strategy takes much prayer and time. Good youth ministry does not appear overnight.
Support – Youth leaders and youth must know the church is behind them. There is nothing more empowering than knowing firsthand that the church supports the youth ministry and their efforts.
Millennials: This is Not Your Grandmother’s Faith [Ralpheal D. West]
Developing exciting and educational ministries to build tomorrow’s leaders with emphasis on practical introductions to biblical study through interactive technology and community centered activities. Learn how Young Adult Ministries can be created to prepare this next generation to live, serve, and lead.
Leadership Luncheon for Women [Sheretta M. West, Wanda Bolton-Davis]
Women in Ministry and Leaders will board a bus and take a 10 min ride to a local restaurant. We will enjoy lunch, an empowering leadership speaker and meaningful dialogue with other women leaders.
Women: Equipping the Alpha Team [Brenda A. White]
Every leader needs an Alpha team to help execute the vision and move the ministry forward. Because of shifting times and culture, it is important to keep the team informed and equipped. Are you investing in your team? Are they prepared and resourced to help move the women’s ministry from mediocrity to excellent? Remember…Iron sharpens iron!
Women: Charting the Course [Ruth Williams]
Do you know where your women’s ministry is headed? How satisfied are you with the direction that it is going? Do you have an effective plan to help you reach your destination? Shotgun ministry programing is sporadic and lacks planning. It’s time to asset the needs of the women in your congregation. With clear vision, design ministry programing that will execute the Pastor’s vision and meet the needs of the women in your church and community.
Rhythm and Rest: Developing a Model of Self-Care [Andre Ivy]
This session will explore how to assist the Pastor and other Spiritual Leaders in developing a rhythm for practicing ministry. It will also detail how to help the Pastor and Spiritual Leader incorporate rest as a part of their daily ministerial routine. This course will give evidence-based information on how to avoid some of the pitfalls and challenges of trying to do everything; and learning how to delegate while simultaneously developing a systematic practice of rhythm and rest which is vitally important to the health and well-being of a leader.
Mental Health & Clergy: The Importance of Investing Your Mental Health [Veniecia Robinson]
More than 7% of Clergy simultaneously experienced depression and anxiety. Pastors today are working with minimal social support and have reported feeling socially isolated. This class will open up a healthy dialogue with Clergy about maintaining a healthy mental state.
Christian Education
Got Groups? The Power of Building Small Groups [Aisha Davis]
Small groups have one, simple purpose: to build community. God created us to live in relationship with others as we grow in our relationship with Him. Learn practical tips on how to build effective Small Groups in your congregation.
Rethinking Discipleship [Wanda Bolton-Davis]
Based upon her life-transforming workbook, Victorious Disciples, and cutting-edge doctoral research, Dr. Wanda will discuss the discipleship deficit that has plagued many churches. She will provide practical information to help move your church members from spiritual complacency and stagnation, to spiritual growth and reproducing. This workshop will provide pastors, staff, and lay leaders with practical tools for developing an effective discipleship ministry within the local church.
Throw the Box Away: Moving Beyond Cookie Cutter Discipleship [Leah Jackson]
The key to strategically building an effective Christian Education program lies in truly understanding the personality and the needs of your congregation. This course is designed to equip pastors and leaders with a clear plan of action by evaluating current systems, identifying areas of strength and weakness, selecting the right staff and choosing high yield approaches to best meet the needs of the church.
Community, Evangelism, Missions, Outreach
Let the Church Move Out [Kenneth D. Duke]
21st century outreach looks like the universal church accepting the responsibility to carry out the great commission. In order for this to happen we must go where sinners are with the intention to build spiritual relationships so that we can train this unchurched culture how to worship God. Unfortunately, if we don’t go where sinners are or develop outreach ministries, studies show they will not come to our sacred spaces like generations did before!
Utilizing Non-Traditional Strategies to Reach the Lost [Carlos Kelly]
In an ever-changing, fast pace culture, the church cannot afford to be left behind using antiquated methods to reach the unsaved and unchurched. Although the Message of the Cross will never change, the Methods must change. This session will offer non-traditional strategies to reach the unsaved and unchurched as well as provide insight on how to create a church culture that makes outreach a high priority. Pastors, staff, and all volunteers will benefit as a result of this class.
5 Keys to Attracting an Unchurched Generation Back to Christ-Centered Church [Rufus Smith]
For the 1st time in American history, we have a generation that on any given Sunday morning, (62%) stay at home. Why? Has the gospel lost its power to attract or have we lost the “attraction” of the gospel? Church attendance is not proof of being a Jesus-Follower, but it is a sign of spiritual health & vitality. This seminar offers 5 holy hints to haul in a harvest that’s much “riper” than we think.
Church and Community: A Paradigm for Progress [Vernon C. Walton]
Is your church actively engaged and serving the community where you are? Do you see social concerns and wonder how you can make a difference? The course will provide creative, tangible and portable ways to identify, analyze, and address the relevant community needs in your context whether in a rural, urban or suburban setting.
Building a Powerful Partnership Between the Church and the Community [Jamal Weathersby]
A partnership between a local church and its community is priceless. It assigns meaningful tasks to church members while displaying true relevance to the community members. This course will provide helpful tools to win the confidence of the community, identify innovative ideas for congregations to engage their community and discuss how to maximize community outreach and available resources.
Expansion, Business, Finance, Human Resources
MMBB – Financial Wellness: Take Control of Your Financial Future [William H. Foster]
Financial Wellness starts now. MMBB wants you to enjoy life and your ministry while planning your financial journey. Surveys say pastors experience significant financial challenges. We will explore ways to reduce debt stress, save for a rainy day, and boost your retirement investments.
A secure retirement takes years of careful financial planning. We must plan now for the life we want tomorrow. MMBB Financial Services Ministry can help you walk the journey to a financially secure retirement. In this course, we will unravel the mysteries of investing, budgeting, debt management & debt reduction, and retirement planning, we will address these issues and more. You will leave the class each day with specific steps to improve your financial condition.
Day 1: Financial Wellness: Why it Matters, Pastoral Compensation, Clergy Taxes
Day 2: Budgeting, Debt Management & Debt Reduction, MMBB Retirement Plans
Day 3: Retirement Planning, Investing, Estate Planning, & Wrap up
The Nuts and Bolts of Church Business [Paul Jefferson]
Learn the best practical church business and management principles on how to handle the business of the Church: Forecasting; Solidifying a Mission Statement; Budgeting; Establishing Bylaws; Drafting Policies and Procedures; Accessing Tangible Resources; Making a Fluid Transition.
The Legal Edge: Protecting the Church [Dante Johnson]
Legal issues in leadership are frequent. This breakout season addresses legal issues that may arise as frontline leaders are required to make executive decisions and personal connections with those in their charge.
Salary for the Servant: Adequate Compensation for Those Who Rule Well [Harold Kinnard]
If the goal for compensating Pastors is so that there is no worry about financial obligations during the tenure of service then the compensation package should be a breeze. What are the components of the package? Who does the package cover? Who establishes the benchmarks for how the package is created? What legalities must be met in creating a compensation package for the Pastor?
Campaign Without Pain [Barbara Walker]
This session will assist you with developing and maintaining capital stewardship campaigns from beginning to end.
Staffing for the Future [Lee A. Edwards II]
In a culture where church administration and operations are on the forefront of members minds, it is important to staff your church to serve their needs. This class offers fresh perspectives to help make sound decisions of when, where and how to staff. Most importantly, making appropriate decisions to staff for both current and future needs of your congregations.
Breaking Up is Hard to Do [Joe S. Ratliff]
Tough decisions must be made in order to ensure progress. Learn how to decide who exits your staff and when. Sometimes separation is the necessary and best for both parties.
Managing the Office of the Office of the Senior Pastor: Designed for Duty [Ashlyn Williams]
This session will explore the ways in which the foundation of who we are – our divine design – has equipped us to manage people, programs, and processes from the position of the pastor’s office.
PANEL DISCUSSION Managing the Office of the Pastor: Calling all Executive/Administrative Assistants! [Alisha Trusty]
You are more than what people sum up an Assistant to be. You are that Gate-Keeper, protecting and controlling access to your pastor or primary person that you assist. You are a Minister, caring for the needs of your church family and communities. You are an Office Manager, making sure that the Office of the Pastor or your primary person runs smoothly and efficiently. You are an Event Planner, coordinating the process of managing social events. You work in Finance, overseeing of budgets, handling the reconciliation of purchases and allocation of funds. You own these titles and so much more! Come prepared to ask questions of our panel of Executive Assistants to the IC3 Board Members and share your experiences with us and other Administrative Assistants as we empower, encourage and equip ourselves on improving our serve!
Communication, Media, Technology
Reaching the Masses on a Shoe String Budget Through Media [Greg Davis]
Greg Davis [The Word Network] will explore non-traditional economical way ways to use media to reach the masses.
Go Fund Me: Ministry, Media, and Minimum Budgets [Orlana Darkins Drewery]
Marketing your ministry is not just about nurturing the faith of your existing members. It’s seeking out the unchurched and helping them find their way to Christ. But, how can they find you if they don’t know where you are? This workshop will provide you with strategies and tools to market your church on a shoestring budget!
Church IT: Using Technology to Protect the Church [Michael Fannin]
Email phishing, ransom wear viruses, hacking prevention, membership data and financial security risks are all cyber threats that can impact and hinder the progression of the church. Whether your membership is 10 or 10,000, are you prepared to prevent the increasing threats from the internet?
Church After Sunday Morning [Jeffrey A. Johnson, II]
The 21st century has provided opportunities for the Church to have an impact on the lives of people on a daily basis. This session will explore how we can use the advancement of technology, the availability of social media and the accessibility of the necessary tools to our advantage to creatively take the Gospel to the masses. We should no longer wait for people to come into the building before the Church can start to have an impact on the culture. If your ministry is looking for relevant, creative and practical ways to touch people beyond the Sunday Morning Experience, then this session is for you.
Preaching, Theology, Social Justice
Prophetic Preaching in Perilous Times [Lawrence E. Aker, III]
This course will explore the prophetic voices and significance of Dr. Vernon Johns, Dr. Sandy F. Ray and Dr. Gardner Taylor in the context of the Civil Rights Movement. We will examine the relevancy of how they speak to 21st century challenges.
Social Justice: The Church’s Seemingly Forgotten Responsibility [Jennifer Jones Austin]
Examining the role of the Christian church in key movements in the past, the present-day response, and how churches can and should engage on the civil rights issues of today.
Creating Just Communities: The Role of the Church in Pursuing Equity [Danielle Ayers]
This session focuses on how to distinguish the difference between charity and justice models. This session will offer suggested pathways to advocate for just public polices and ensure the sustainability and flourishing for local communities. Also, we will explore the nature and necessity of critical partnerships and coalition building.
Practical Steps for Doing Social Justice in the Local Church and Community [Emory Berry, Jr.]
With the Presidential election, 2020 Census, and a myriad of national efforts taking place right before our eyes, this course will explore tangible ways of getting your local church engaged in social justice on a local and national level.
Profiles in Courage [Charlie E. Dates]
This session will explore personalities such as William Augustus Jones, Clay Evans and C.L. Franklin and others who have embodied a biblical and social ministry in the African American Church.
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants [Michael Duduit]
What can we learn from the preachers of the past that we can use today? This workshop will explore characteristics that marked the preaching of past masters of the pulpit, and how we can put those traits into practice in our own ministries today.
Walking Forward Backward [Joel C. Gregory]
What are the elements of great preaching from the past that still belong to the preaching of tomorrow? What does back to the future look like in preaching? We will consider how the preaching of yesterday informs the preaching of tomorrow. When we bring preaching from the altar of the past we need to bring the fire and not the ashes. We will consider the elements of preaching at any time that makes it authentic, real Christian preaching.
Prophetically Mobilizing Ministry for Social Justice Activism That ‘Turns the World Upside Down’ [Frederick D. Haynes, III]
This session will equip church leaders and people of faith to fight for justice in this Trump era. Practical prophetic models will be spotlighted, and tools will be shared that will galvanize Christians to impact this election year and transform communities threatened by gentrification, torn by violence, restricted by racism and paralyzed by poverty.
Preaching Threads: Finding Our Way Forward [A.B. Sutton, Jr.]
The book of Nehemiah gives us a rich Social and Theological framework for addressing the challenges we face as an oppressed minority seeking to build for ourselves a better living condition.
Senior Pastors Only*
*Special Admission for those who registered at the Senior Pastor Group Rate
Get Thee From Among Them: Navigating Pastoral Transitions [Calvin J. McFadden, Sr.]
This class will provide tools for Senior Pastors to successfully manage their transitions from one assignment to the next – how to leave right and how to begin anew. Genesis 12:1-9
Pastoral Ministry in Post-modernity: Relevance or Reverence [Robert C. Scott]
In an age of post-modernity and culture in America, where the church is taking on less significance, there is a tendency to bend toward and even reflect the culture in our churches. Can pastors lead and serve a church and do pastoral ministry that is meaningful, transformative and significant without compromising the integrity of the gospel and reverence for God?
The Big Shift: Transitioning Your Church From a Traditional to an Emerging Model [Timothy W. Sloan]
Maintaining tradition in a church is important, but so is connecting to millennials. The emerging model congregation seeks to understand and evaluate congregational and community demographics and connect generationally. Learn how to identify and maintain the best of tradition in your church, while embracing contemporary culture to create an emerging model.
Leading in Turbulent Times [Maurice Watson]
Pastors 45 and Under [Ralph D. West]
Pastoral & Leadership
Leading Change in Changing Times [Angela Ravin-Anderson]
The Church today finds itself in the midst of turbulent and uncertain times. Moving congregations forward toward their divine destiny in such an environment requires that pastors and ministry leaders be able to balance charting new territory while ameliorating undercurrents of anxiousness. In this session, we will explore key characteristics and strategies that will enable leaders to achieve their God-given vision with confidence, courage, and compassion even as they contend with times of change.
Thriving Together: Church Starting and Co-Pastoring in the 21st Century [Fredricc G. & Kan’Dace Brock]
In Ecclesiastes 4:7-12, Solomon underscores the advantages of partnership. This session will survey the benefits and challenges of partnership in pastoral ministry and provide attendees with observations and lessons learned from two new church starters.
The Pastor and Their Devotional Life [Freddy J. Clark]
Ministry After Divorce: Finding Healing and Wholeness Again [Lisa Clayton]
So often divorce is associated with feelings of defeat and failure. As leaders, this feeling amplifies as we struggle with the pressure of being role models for those we lead. Using the research from her dissertation project, the facilitator will help the divorced leader to navigate through their own experiences while also offering tools for leaders to minister to the divorce population in their congregations and contexts.
Thirteen Crucial Lessons for New Pastors From the Book of Nehemiah [Kimberly Credit]
As some point during the pastor’s tenure, we will preach from the book of Nehemiah because of its great tutelage on how to build a rebuild a church and a people. But what if I told you there are pastoral principles in this book as well? This workshop is crucial for the new or aspiring pastor. Teaching from her newly released book, Dr. Credit will show you how to have a successful start with these guaranteed pastoral leadership principles.
The Church in the Age of Artificial Intelligence [William H. Curtis]
Peter H. Diamandis in his book “The Future is Faster Than You Think” suggests that technology is doubling every year. This session will explore the impact of technology on ministry in the future.
Learning How to Lead From the Passenger Seat [Aaron F. Dallas, Sr.]
This session is designed to equip key leaders who report directly to the Pastor. Learn how to listen, learn, and effectively observe the pastor; catch his/her vision; and execute at the highest level of excellence.
Leading a Legacy: Developing Associate Ministers [Kelon D. Duke]
God uses associate ministers. This session is designed to help prepare associate ministers to support the church in the present and to lead the church in the future.
Preachers & Ministers are People, Too! [Cynthia L. Hale]
Often people see us as superhuman, able to do anything and everything. We can so easily to there as well, thinking that we have to live up to all their expectations and meet all their needs. Only to find ourselves burnout or so tired that we are no good to anyone. This class will focus on how we as ministers can care for ourselves and teach others to by setting healthy boundaries.
Being a Weight-Lifter For The Pastor: My Role As An Associate Pastor/Minister [James C. Harris, Jr.]
The role of the Associate Pastor/ Minister is to assist the Senior Pastor in carrying out the mission and vision of the church. As a result, our role is to support, and lift some of the weight from the Senior Pastor in all aspects of ministry where their focus can solely be on preaching, teaching and casting vision from God. This session will address how we as associate pastors, ministers, and leaders help in this process of being weight-lifters for our Pastor
Church Revitalization: You Can Stop the Bleeding [Christopher Hartwell]
This session is designed for pastors, staff, and ministry leaders on how to revitalize a church that has plateaued and is experiencing financial and numerical decline.
The Things They Didn’t Teach You in Seminary [Derrick J. Hughes]
This class is designed for those who want to avoid some of the pitfalls one will inevitably encounter as a church leader that a seminary classroom is not designed to handle. The student will glean priceless jewels for practical church leadership.
Vision Matters [George Hurtt]
This course will address the importance and how to implement a comprehensive vision for your local congregation. This includes but is not limited to creating a clear and console mission and vision statement; identifying your core values and creating goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely (SMART).
Biblical Foundation for 21st Century Ministry [Jeffrey A. Johnson, Sr.]
Someone has suggested; “We are ministering to a world that doesn’t exist anymore.” We are living in a world in a constant state of change. Even if you have been in ministry for a short period of time, you have more than likely experienced change in this world. Admiral Thad Allen says we have three options “suffer through it, adapt to it or manage it.” It is time for us to depend on the Word of God to minister through these ever-changing times to manage ministry at a high level.
Going Back to Get the Disciplines [Claybon Lea, Jr.]
This class will urge participants to go back to foundational spiritual disciplines in order to engage the future of ministry with the necessary presence and power of God.
How to Lead When You Are Not in Charge [Andre Lewis]
This class is designed to navigate the personal and ministerial relationship between the Senior Pastor, Associate Ministers, and laypersons who give leadership to various ministries within a church body. Each participant will learn how to sustain the vision of the First Chair leader through their gifts and influence.
Surviving the First Five [George L. Parks, Jr.]
You’re the Pastor now what? This session is uniquely designed for new and first time Pastors. The first five years of Pastoral ministry in a local church are critical. Navigating the uncertain waters to becoming the principal leader, learning culture, developing Pastoral disciplines, cultivating pastoral preaching strategies and managing family for a sustainable and enriching tenure.
Bivocational Ministry: The New Look of the Pastor [Byron Ravnell]
63% of Pastors are bi-vocational. As society becomes more complex and churches have limited resources Pastoral Ministry will look different yet still valuable. This session will focus on the 4 “M’s” that are prevalent in every Pastor’s life: Marriage, Ministry, Members and Money. Because of the additional pressures of dual employment, these areas can be exceptionally difficult to navigate for the bi-vocational pastor. During this section we’ll discuss techniques that will help the pastor: (1) identify pitfalls, and blessings, of bi-vocational ministry; (2) better identify and utilize resources within his congregation to lighten the load of ministry; (3) form strategies to keep your marriage, your most important relationship, most important; and (4) discuss some financial strategies to strengthen both houses you’ve been called to serve – your house and the Lord’s House!
Do You See What I See? The Blueprint for Building a Bridge to the Future [William H. Robinson]
This course is designed to help pastors and leaders share their vision with members of the church as well as provide insight into how pastors and leaders can empower their ministries and get the people to take ownership of the vision.
Re-Energizing Your Church [J. Lawrence Turner]
This session will examine the sociological trends and societal challenges churches are currently facing in order to help you develop a biblically based, culturally relevant approach to ministry to re-energize your church to break through ministry plateaus and take your church to the next level in ministry.